
Join/Renew Now

Our membership is open to individuals who express an interest in supporting the goals, objectives, and purpose of The Atlanta Chapter Tuskegee Airmen.

Our initiatives are for our community outreach, youth and youth programs, and educational funds. We collaborate with corporations and organizations to promote careers in aviation.

Take part in continuing the legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen. Our classes of membership are outlined below: 

Membership Levels


“Tuskegee Airmen Experience” symbolized by the letters (TE) shall refer to the membership class of members who were assigned to the Tuskegee Institute Army Air Corps Program, a unit at Tuskegee Army Air Field, or a unit growing out of the Tuskegee Airmen Experience during the period from January 1941 through September 1949.


Tuskegee Lineage symbolized by the letters “TH” shall refer to the membership class of a member who was or is a spouse or the descendant of a person who qualifies as Tuskegee Experience as outlined in Section (A) above.


A “Regular” member is that individual who is willing to work toward achieving the overall goals, objectives, and purpose of ACTAI. Each “Regular” member shall have the right to vote and hold office.

A “Student” member is that individual who is a full-time student, up to the age of 25, who is interested in learning about the Tuskegee Experience and ACTAI. The student member shall have the right to vote and hold office.
Life membership shall be extended to a regular member whose application and full payment has been accepted and approved by the Boards of Directors. The National Board of Directors shall complete the Life Membership application when payment is complete and the serial numbered certificate has been issued.

a. Life membership status does not relieve the member from chapter dues obligations.
b. Life membership cards shall continue to be issued through the chapter in order to provide voter identification at the National convention.

Alternatively, you can join our organization by downloading our membership application and sending your completed application to:

The Atlanta Chapter Tuskegee Airmen
Membership Committee
P.O. Box 161824
Atlanta, Georgia 30321